Was ist eine Futures Canvas Challenge?
Futures Canvas Challenges drehen sich um vielschichtige Zukunftsfragen, die unser gemeinsames denken und handeln verlangen.
Andere Challenges, bei denen du aktuell mitmachen kannst
Challenge von Hype and Friends
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How might we imagine the futures of music ecosystems?
Join us in this exciting challenge to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of music ecosystems. Your ideas could shape the future of music and inspire the next wave of technological innovation in the industry.
46 Meinungen
Challenge von Berlin Science Week
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How might we imagine the future of science engagement events?
What might science events look like in the future? How will technology, creativity, and community transform the way we engage with discovery? Imagine a world where everyone, no matter their background, can experience the wonders of science firsthand. Curious? Let’s explore the possibilities together!
25 Meinungen
Wie können digitale Technologien bei der Umgestaltung urbaner Räumen helfen?
35 Meinungen
3 Ideen
3 Ideen
What might the futures of democracy look like?
24 Meinungen
1 Idee
1 Idee
Wie können digitale Technologien zu einem gesunden Leben beitragen?
35 Meinungen
2 Ideen
2 Ideen
Wie können digitale Innovationen sexuelle Bildung und Wohlbefinden inklusiv fördern?
37 Meinungen
2 Ideen
2 Ideen
How might we re-imagine the future relationship to our local water bodies?
32 Meinungen
How might we rethink Berlin’s future of mobility?
45 Meinungen
How might we rethink the interaction between humans and microorganisms in urban spaces?
3 Meinungen
How might we envision a more harmonious, well sounding city?
6 Meinungen
How might we re-imagine space migration from a decolonial perspective?
8 Meinungen
What could a blockchain-driven society look like?
4 Meinungen
How might we re-imagine tourism as a sustainable and eco-sensitive industry?
15 Meinungen
Imagine a circular future. What do you see?
9 Meinungen
How do you imagine the future of sustainable cities in the age of big data?
3 Meinungen
How do you think your life could be affected by a more green and sustainable environment?
3 Meinungen
How might we rethink rural areas as role models of sustainability and prosperity through the use of technology?
10 Meinungen
How might we rethink the role of schools in promoting circular economy and culture locally?
6 Meinungen
Wie könnten wir die Zukunft der Mobilität in Berlin neu denken?
18 Meinungen
How do we reimagine leadership for remote, diverse and disparate teams?
16 Meinungen
Wie können wir uns die Zukunft gemeinsam anders vorstellen?
59 Meinungen
1 Idee
1 Idee
What if Germany was governed by an Artificial Intelligence?
11 Meinungen
5 Ideen
5 Ideen